Wednesday, December 1, 2010

1st winter's day

Oh, it's real frost here, -20C degree. I wear my fur coat. English language have not exact definition of this type of clothes. Russians can differ some kinds of fur coats - when fur is inside, when fur is outside etc. This coat calls on Russian "shuba". It's natural fur of mouton (sheared sheep) with mink collar.
Park in Stanovoe. Stears.

Park in Yelets. Maslenitsa.

Park in Stanovoe. Snake.

Purple (lilac) scarf was knitted by me. Magenta (maroon) scarf was bought. 
Hat is mink fur and leather -"Mehiko" (Russia)
Fur coat (shuba) - "M-style" (Russia)


  1. Very pretty. Those must keep you nice and warm. Russians know how to face winter. Best wishes.

  2. Hello!This Look is very very nice!Теплая шубка в сочетании с яркими шарфиками - то что надо в холодные времена!Ирина ты супер!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hello irina!
    sorry for my answer in late, but I'm really busy in these bays! :)
    WOW, I really like your fur: you look so elegant and rafined with these outfits!
