Thursday, January 27, 2011

Yelets laces. Part 1.

I live in ancient Russian town Yelets which has rich history. One of local craft is making of laces. It's sharp fine work which takes part a lot of time and strength. Unfortunately I cannot do it but I know some lace makers which did their masterpieces. I present here blouse, collars and small items most of it was made by my aunt grandmother Popova Anna Nikolaevna.

White blouse - handmade vintage; skirt - noname; sweater - noname.

For more info and buying laces see websites:

Friday, January 21, 2011

New fair - new dress

I've bought this dress (or tunic? or long sweater?) today. Look at me.

Dress - "Blue gate" (Turkey) (Price is 50$)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My dressing gowns & bathrobes

Most of free time I spend at home. That's why it's necessary to have comfortable home clothes. I like bright robes because they make me womanish. I'll put below some pics in different gowns and robes.
Hearts and print "I love you"

Bright flowers

Classic checked

Strawberry fields forever

Waves and hood

Sunday, January 16, 2011

JirinaCook: Cooking soft. Julie CookBook

У меня появился новый блог о кулинарии. (I have my new cooking blog) JirinaCook: Cooking soft. Julie CookBook: "В век информационных технологий даже домохозяйки включились в процесс информатизации своего труда. Помните заветные тетрадочки своих мам и т..."

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Summer vs winter 1

This post is devoted to one item of clothes which can be worn during summer and during winter (with turtleneck) also. I like blue color.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Merry Christmas, Russians!

Today is orthodox Xmas. Russians have own traditions of celebrating it. For example, night before Christmas is time of magic, foretells and wonders.
"Promised, masked, come to me for supper" - girl says near bed is putting plate to bedside-table. She hopes to see her future groom in night-dream :-)

Monday, January 3, 2011

I've got look10 award

I have got this prize!!! Look at

Urban village Stanovoe

This village is situated 35 km from my town. It has nice park with Xmas illumination. I like to go there looking and making photos of such beauty. You could see pics from there at this blog below. I demonstrate new photos I made yesterday in this post. I think you'll enjoy it as me :-)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Happy holidays to all. I wish you success, health and great love!
Sorry I didn't congratulate you by Christmas. It was because there is Xmas 7 of January in Russia. And New Year we celebrate twice - 1 and 14 of January. That's strange traditions.

This is my Xmas tree. 2011 is year of Rabbit (or Hare, or Cat) by Chinese horoscope.